John Maxwell and Management 3.0! Join our Leadership Accelerator Program and get the first month FREE!

Our Leadership Accelerator

is created to help you supercharge your leadership skills

Sign up now and get the first 30 days free!

June 8 -  The Law of Environment (John Maxwell)

June 29th - Management 3.0 - Scaling Organizational Structure

Each month includes a workshop exploring each of these fantastic programs!


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This month (June), we are continuing our Management 3.0 and John Maxwell workshops, and your first 30 days are FREE!!

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We meet bi-weekly in live-online sessions to cover these topics:

Management 3.0 

You get access to live-online sessions covering all eight workshops from the Management 3.0 series! 

Content from John Maxwell Leadership

John Maxwell has been one of the premiere Leadership Guru's of the past 50 years, having written more than 80 books devoted to the art of leadership.  We are certified John Maxwell coaches and bring this great content to you!

  • Leading Through Crisis
  • The 15 Laws of Growth
  • The 21 Irrefutable laws of Leadership

 And many more!

Our very own Leading with Agility on-demand course

A comprehensive self-paced, and on-demand curriculum covering everything a modern leader can hope to learn and apply.  All this, combined with our state-of-the-art community alone, is worth the price of admission.

  1. Why Leadership Agility is needed
  2. Personal Agility
  3. Emotional Intelligence 
  4. Communication and Collaboration
  5. Leader as Coach
  6. Leading Change

"It was one of the best workshops of my life thanks to your professionalism and your willingness to transmit your knowledge in a dynamic, interactive, and amazing way :) I hope loads of people will be able to enjoy your teaching and motivation for making things happen."


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