Episode 71: Reframing Disruption: Embracing Disruption as a Capability

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Episode 71: Reframing Disruption: Embracing Disruption as a Capability

Season #2

Join Agile practitioners Kumar Dattatreyan and Michael Jebber as they discuss reframing disruption as a strategic capability rather than a threat. Drawing on their combined decades of experience, Kumar and Michael share insights on how organizations can thrive in an era of accelerating change.

Key topics covered:

- Why relying on existing processes and hierarchies often hinders adaptation

- Steps leaders can take to detect disruption early

- The importance of experimentation in responding quickly

- Aligning strategy with execution 

- Removing silos and barriers to enterprise collaboration

- Enabling workforce autonomy balanced with alignment

- Q&A: Answering your questions on disruption!


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