M30| agile meridian

Robust Theme

Transform your approach to Agile leadership with our SAFe® Scrum Master course.


Management 3.0

Agile Meridian, a Provider of Management 3.0 Workshops!

Unlock the secrets of effective leadership and organizational transformation with our cutting-edge leadership development programs from Management 3.0, brought to you by Agile Meridian. As a leading provider of Agile training, Agile Meridian is proud to offer workshops from Management 3.0, the pioneering approach to management mindset and practices, to bring you a series of transformative workshops.

 Management 3.0 goes beyond traditional management theories by offering actionable advice and practical solutions that can be implemented immediately. By focusing on the power of the collective and the systems thinking approach, Management 3.0 enables leaders to create engaging work environments, boost team performance, and drive organizational success.

Dates in September

Management 3.0 Foundations

Are you looking to take your business management practice to the next level?  The workshop provides a deep dive into a wide range of topics related to people management and will show you the ins and outs of better managing teams, improving organizational structure, ways to enhance company culture, and more - all in line with the cutting-edge Management 3.0 principles.


Cohort based training

Leadership Accelerator

Embrace VUCA and the power of change to help lead and nurture amazing teams capable of amazing feats! It's all in you! Unleash your potential through your Leadership Agility and personal growth! 

The Leadership Accelerator combines the best from Management 3.0, John Maxwell, David Marquet and our own leadership development content at an affordable price


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