Robust Theme
Dec 09, 2019 2020-04-08 7:40Robust Theme
The Path to Strategic Impact: Unlocking the Power of Clear Communication in Leadership
By: Kumar Dattatreyan In a recent episode of The Meridian Point, I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Michael Gerharz, a communication expert...
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Embrace Change by Harnessing the Power of Adaptability
By: Kumar Dattatreyan Change and Adaptability - What's the Relationship? Change and adaptability are closely related concepts. Change refers to...
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10 Traits of Highly Motivated People
By Chris Daily You know a highly motivated leader when you see one. Human motivation can often be seen in a leader's face. They seem...
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8 Ways Agile Leaders Pull the Agile Team through Tough Times
8 Ways Agile Leaders Pull the Agile Team Through Tough Times By Chris Daily It’s easy to be an Agile leader when things are hunky-dory....
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10 Tips for Someone New to Agile and Scrum
Are you new to Agile or Scrum? By: Kumar Dattatreyan It can be hard to know where to start when you're new to agile and Scrum. There is...
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10 tips to stop running meetings and start facilitating them
Stop running, Start Facilitating! By: Kumar Dattatreyan Do you run your meetings, or do you facilitate them? Meeting facilitation might seem like...
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13 Tips to Supercharge your Teams' Motivation!
A Proven Formula for Boosting Your Team’s Motivation By: Jolly Rajan When you're the leader of a motivated team, your job becomes much...
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Coaching vs. Mentoring
By: Kumar Dattatreyan What do these two terms mean? Let there be no confusion a coach and a mentor are different and are not...
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Are you a Role Player?
By: Kumar Dattatreyan In my career spanning over 30 years, I've played a lot of roles. I've been a cook, a bartender, a waiter, a manager, a...
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The Gift of Feedback - Part II
By: Kumar Dattatreyan Imagine for a moment that you're at your desk and you get a phone call from your boss who says, "Hey Kumar, I'd like to share...
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