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Dec 09, 2019 2020-04-08 7:40Robust Theme
Why Scrum Masters Need Facilitation Skills
Why Scrum Masters Need Facilitation Skills By Chris Daily As a Scrum Master, you need to have facilitation skills. The Scrum Master role acts...
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How Virtual Reality Affects Skills Training
Experts predict the Virtual Reality and augmented reality industry to grow by almost 50% by the year 2028. This educational...
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6 Traits of a Great Leader in the Workplace
6 Traits of a Great Leader in the Workplace by Chris Daily When we think of leadership, we sometimes think of epic moments like George Washington...
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8 Traits of a Bad Leader in Any Context
8 Traits of a Bad Leader in Any Context by Chris Daily Most of the articles you will read are about what you need to be a great leader and...
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Agile Product Manager vs. Product Owner: How the Roles Differ
Agile Product Manager vs. Product Owner: How the Roles Differ By Chris Daily Are you a leader looking to improve your team's...
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Agile Scrum Roles: What Is the Role of the Development Team?
Agile Scrum Roles: What Is the Role of the Development Team? By Chris Daily No matter what industry you're in, leaders and business owners will...
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Agile Scrum Roles: What Is the Role of the Scrum Product Owner?
Agile Scrum Roles: What Is the Role of the Scrum Product Owner? by Chris Daily The Product Owner is the Scrum role that comes with the most...
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Agile Scrum Roles: What Is the Role of the Scrum Master?
What Is the Role of the Scrum Master? The agile Scrum features three roles: team members, Product Owner, and the Scrum Master. "Master"...
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Product Owner Skills
Skills for Agile Product Owners by Chris Daily The line between As a product owner, you will be responsible for a product from conception to end of...
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All About the History of Virtual Reality in Education
By Chris Daily Projected to reach over $84 billion by 2028, the virtual reality market is one of the fastest-growing in the world. These...
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